By-Ways and Hedges Youth for Christ Ministry Inc., was established in 1994 by Reverend Terry M. Lee.  Reverend. Lee, a Jamaican by birth has a heart to spread the gospel to all nation regardless of color, race or creed.

The objective of By-Ways and Hedges Youth for Christ Ministry is to foster peace, promote harmony, effect change and to build healthier, educated, productive communities.  Starting with our youth, preparing them today to be better men and women of tomorrow.  To instill godly moral and positive self-esteem, challenging them to reach for greatness and excellence.

Reverend Lee initially set out to win souls for the kingdom of God so he preached on the trains and on the streets and in his mobile church, attracting hundreds. However, in his quest to win souls he found great needs in the communities and decided to do something about it.

In 1996, a food program and a clothing drive to feed and clothed the poor and needy was started.  Seminar and forums were established to bring information and resources to the people of the different communities in the areas such as housing, domestic violence, immigration, deportation, citizenship drive, voter registration, Unity Walk, Whitehouse Prayer Vigil, Labor Day Parade, The Brooklyn Salute Awards and many other community programs.

Eventually, Community Concerns Network (CCN), the outreach division of the church was established on August 12th, 2005. While the church seeks to meet the spiritual needs of our communities, CCN focuses on the basic everyday needs that necessitate human survival and the health and safety of our families and our nation.

Various programs and yearly events were created:

Immigration Seminars is conducted monthly in collaboration with USCIS and the immigrant community. Guest speakers often times include Community Leaders, Elected Officials and Clergy Members. Current immigration changes and information on how to avoid immigration scam, among others things, are discussed at this event.

Immigrants Responding To Crisis (IRTC) IRTC plays a vital role in the communities. Whatever the crisis in the community IRTC is there, eg, Hurricane Sandy, police shootings, Volunteers emergency services, etc. Rev. Lee’s awareness of undocumented immigrants and his liaison with the Department of Homeland Security (USCIS) Officials prompted him to organized immigration seminars in the community and he registered Immigrants Responding to Crisis (IRTC) in 2007He wants the community to be aware of how they can be a positive contribution to society.

Brooklyn Salute Awards ceremony, awards and encourage outstanding men and women in their individual local communities of Brooklyn who have steadfastly given their time and services helping others and contributing to the common good of the community

The Annual Unity Walk. In 1997, when the Haitian immigrant Abner Louima was assaulted, brutalized and arrested by members of the NYPD, Rev. Lee saw the need to bring “Unity” to educate and foster a good relationship between the Community and the Police. In 1998 Unity Walk was formed. There were only 13 people initially but has now ballooned to thousands annually and is seen as one of the main events supported by the Police Department today. The event attracts community clergies, organizers, residents, elected officials, and members of the NYPD, FDNY, Military and Sanitation Departments, and various HMO’s vendors to help the community on Health and Wellness.

The Labor Day Parade Evangelism group known as the “Revelation Soldiers” is composed of a diversity of churches from all over the tri-state area. Our motto is, “Bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nations.” The mission of the Revelation Soldiers is to “Go into the entire world, teach the nations, and bring the lost to Christ. Reverend Lee started Revelation Soldiers 20 years ago.  He was the first and only Gospel float on Eastern Parkway at the Annual West Indian-American Day event.  He saw he could reach millions of people as they gathered on the sidelines to witness the parade.  Instead, he was witnessing to them with messages of HOPE. His Labor Day Evangelism is Rev. Lee’s way of spreading God’s word to the masses where he participates annually for 20 years now making the public aware of their spiritual and important side of life.

Under the leadership and vision of Reverend Lee, many other events/programs/businesses were created.

The White House Prayer Initiative started 1998. The goal of the Annual White House Prayer, now in its 20th year, is to mobilize Faith Leaders across the United States, to come together once per year in the country’s capital to pray for the Nation, World, the President, his family, his Cabinet; while the main objective is to reinforce the significance of the country’s motto, “In God We Trust”.

In 2003, Real Life Times News, a monthly newspaper publication was created and an Internet radio station, Real Life Times Radio in 2015.

The monthly Real Life Times newspaper is a free publication that focuses primarily on Immigration and Community news at large. Other component includes articles and information pertaining to religion, health, education business and international news. The paper is read by a vast amount of people in all industry.

Real Life Times Radio Is an eclectic multicultural mix of gospel and religious music, views, etc. The aim is to create relevant, informative and interesting content geared towards helping the listeners and the community in general.

BHCCTV, an online radio station was created in 2011 where community services were featured. Unfortunately, on August 5, 2014, after returning from the National Night Out Against Crime, arsonist(s) set the church’s sanctuary, offices and studio on fire, church destroyed all that Reverend Lee had achieved over the many years.

By-Ways and Hedges Youth for Christ Ministry and CCN is the little David among the Goliaths of domestic violence, street violence, drugs, and gangs, against Immigration fraud, the spread of HIV/ AIDS, inequality and injustice.  Rev. Terry Lee along with a team of volunteers with a passion to effect change for the betterment of our people and nation has gone above and beyond the call to stand up and make a difference.

By-Ways and Hedges /CCN is committed to finding a way to continue reaching out to the needy in our society and to empower our communities and improve the quality of life for all people.